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CEO 메시지

존경하는 이해관계자 여러분,

언제나 엔아이투스의 성장과 발전을 위해
많은 관심과 격려를 보내주신
이해관계자 여러분께 감사의 말씀 드립니다.

대표이사 장 세 봉

엔아이투스 주식회사

N-iTUS achieved maximum sales by improving the competitive position of its main business and strengthening preemptive execution according to mid-term goals, even in a difficult business environment with increasing market volatility such as the global economic recession and supply chain instability.

In addition, we will work to increase the value of the company by listening to all stakeholders, including employees, customers, the environment, and partner companies, by integrating them into the company’s strategy, culture, and work to minimize environmental impact through ESG management, have a positive impact on society, maintain a transparent governance structure, and increase the value of the company, thereby securing global-level ESG competitiveness by being competitive enough to cope with crisis situations such as the COVID-19 crisis

ESG management organization and promotion system